Le Séminaire « Transitions Sensibles : Gestes de travail et Danse » est une invitation à entrer dans l’expérience des corporalités au travail à travers un regard ethno-chorégraphique.

La présentation de Claude Paraponaris, spécialiste du travail, proposera la bifurcation face aux mondes organisés. Sylvie Balestra, chorégraphe, révèlera la beauté sensible des gestes de travail et les co-créations qui permettent de les sublimer. Finalement les réflexions et questionnements soulevés par l’exposition et la présentation du projet de recherche Transitions Sensibles de Carole Baudin, anthropologue et titulaire de la chaire CNRS/LEST/Iméra – Les mondes du travail, seront mis en débat dans une agora modérée par Anyssa Kapelusz, experte en études théatrales.

transition sensible geste du travail et danse imera marseille

Seminar & Exhibition – Sensitive Transitions: Work Gestures and Dance

From June 3rd to 14th at Iméra, Maison des Astronomes (2 place Leverrier, 13004 Marseille)

« Danse, or else we are lost»

Pina Baush.

In these troubled times, thinking about society and work through the lens of dance is an invitation to perceive and act differently. Entering the dance is an invitation to a new ethical and aesthetic gesture, allowing us to collectively imagine more sustainable worlds.

At least, this is the starting hypothesis of the research project “Sensitive Transitions.”

This project, developed by Carole Baudin within the framework of the “necessary utopias” program of the LEST / Iméra chair, is based on the observation that numerous transformations over the past decade (new forms of governance and business management, digitalization, environmental transition, and territorialization) have profoundly disrupted the world of work.

Meaning and Senses at work are now at the heart of concerns, revealing more deeply “a crisis of sensitivities” in our societies. This crisis challenges our epistemologies and ontologies. It requires us to reconsider our systems of reading and writing societies in the making. Over the past few years, a new way of thinking about dance has emerged, inviting new forms of attention and relationships; a thought of the body in gestures that seems fruitful for the humanities and social sciences, particularly for better understanding and acting on the world of work in transition.

The goal of the “Sensitive Transitions” project is to combine choreographic and analytical perspectives on work gestures. This experimental project brings together dancers and work experts to examine the practices of winemakers, questioning the views we hold, the writings we deploy, and the transformations we propose for these agricultural practices undergoing forced transitions.

The seminar “Sensitive Transitions: Work Gestures and Dance,” beyond presenting the initial reflections of this collective work, is an invitation to enter the experience of embodied work and to share and democratically construct a common reflection on our daily dances.


9:00 AM – 9:30 AM:
Opening Remarks
Christophe Baret – Director of LEST
Carole Baudin – Project Leader of “Sensitive Transitions”

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM:
“Thinking Movement Beyond Organized Worlds”
Claude Paraponaris

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Coffee Break

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM:
“Around the Encyclopedia of Work Gestures”
Sylvie Balestra

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Lunch – Buffet

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM:
“Sensitive Transitions”: Ethno-Choreographic Approach to the Winemaker’s Gesture – Exhibition and Presentation
Carole Baudin and the “Sensitive Transitions” Collective

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Coffee Break

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM:
“Agora”: Debate “Work and Dance”
Moderated by Anyssa Kapelusz

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM:
Conclusion and Closing of the Day
Enrico Donaggio – Scientific Director of Iméra – Head of the “Necessary Utopias” Program

The organiser

Carole Baudin

Ethnologist of Sensitivity and Innovation, teacher at HES SO, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland, Associate Member of LaReSS (Health-Social Research Laboratory) at the Lausanne School of Social Work. Her research focuses on the sensitive dimensions of professional practices and activities mediated by technical systems.


“Sensitive Transitions” Residency Project


Biographies des intervenants

Claude Paraponaris

Professor of Social Sciences at Aix Marseille University, Researcher at the Laboratory of Economics and Sociology of Work (LEST), his research unfolds at the intersection of technical questions and political autonomy, within various collectives including Ars Industrialis.

Link: https://lest.fr/en/team/research/clause-paraponaris

Sylvie Balestra

Dancer-choreographer, trained in contemporary dance, anthropology, and somatic practices. She draws on this background to develop a fieldwork methodology that she has been deploying since 2010 in the SYLEX company. “The Encyclopedia of Work Gestures” is a comprehensive research project on the body engaged in work, which she presents on a digital platform and in the form of a dance conference.


Sylvie Balestra: https://www.sylex.fr/demarche/

Encyclopedia of Work Gestures: https://encyclopediedugesteautravail.fr

Anyssa Kapelusz

Assistant Professor in Theatre Studies at Aix-Marseille University, her research focuses on the aesthetic analysis of contemporary stage and the creative processes in theater and performing arts.

Link: https://www.imera.fr/chercheur/kapelusz-anyssa/