Each of the four programs at Iméra (Arts and Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge; Interdisciplinary Explorations; Mediterranean; Necessary Utopias) hosts one or more cycles of interdisciplinary workshops, organized by program directors or associated researchers, which are held at varying intervals.
Sometimes co-developed with an interdisciplinary research collective, which forms the core of the initiative, and/or members of the Aix-Marseille scientific community, and even residents of Iméra, these workshops can be held behind closed doors or open to the public, sometimes in a hybrid format.
Some may also be open to doctoral training. For all of these workshops, in addition to the research projects of Iméra’s residents, the topics addressed align with one or more of the scientific orientations of the Iméra program to which the cycle is linked.
Workshop cycle of the Arts & Sciences: indisciplined knowledge program at the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University
From a methodological and institutional point of view, the “Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge” program is embedded in an academic, interdisciplinary, and international context. It represents a collective space for reflection on research in art and on art, recognizing the specificities of art, including the freedom not to be a discipline in itself, by combining, for example, knowledges from different natures and epochs.
This program is collectively animated by all members of the Iméra scientific team with varied disciplinary profiles. The term “art” here encompasses all existing modes of artistic expression, including visual arts, literary arts, sound arts, architecture, cinematographic arts, including documentary, performing arts, and performance. Heritage can also be an object of research and creation.
To know more about the Arts & Sciences: indisciplined knowledge program, have a look at it’s presentation page :
Workshop cycles of the Interdiscipinary Explorations program at the Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University
The Interdisciplinary Explorations programme addresses all issues related to the theory and practice of interdisciplinarity in university research and teaching.
This program is articulated around three main themes associated with seminars and lecture series open to all resident fellows, to Aix Marseille University’s (AMU) professors and confirmed researchers, but also to the wider public of all those who, because of their profession and their concerns, care about the future of science in our society.
To know more about the Interdisciplinary explorations program, have a look at it’s presentation page :
Workshop cycles of the Mediterranean program at the IAS of Aix-Marseille University
The “Mediterranean” program at Iméra, the Institute for Advanced Study (IEA) at Aix-Marseille University, is open to researchers, artists, and thinkers from all disciplines. Under the framework of the transdisciplinary field of “Mediterranean Studies,” the program is resolutely transregional, transnational, and transversal, encompassing the Mediterranean societies and networks of Anatolia, the Balkans, the Levant, North Africa, and Southern Europe (including France).
To know more about the Mediterranean program, have a look at it’s presentation page :
Workshop cycle of the Necessary utopias program at the IAS of Aix-Marseille University
The “Necessary Utopias” program aims to provide a framework for reflection and dialogue for such richly diverse projects. For five or ten months, the program welcomes academics and artists from all disciplines and geographical origins to Iméra and to Marseille. The purpose of their residency is not exclusively academic. They are also driven by a radical desire to explore new paths of research outside the often self-referential perimeter of ordinary academic or artistic practice, in the name of critical engagement and the social imagination of knowledge.
To know more about the Necessary utopias program, have a look at it’s presentation page :