reproductive technologies in islamic context bioethics and womens rights issues

Former Iméra fellow (2019-2020), Nouzha Guessous, a prominent bioethicist and women’s rights advocate, has recently published a groundbreaking work titled Reproductive Technologies in Islamic Context: Bioethics and Women’s Rights Issues: Comparative Approach (2024). This book explores the intersection of bioethics and women’s rights, with a focus on artificial reproductive technologies (ARTs) and their impact on women, particularly in Islamic contexts.

Nouzha Guessous examines how ARTs challenge traditional and religious views on sexuality, reproduction, and family structures, offering a comparative analysis of how these technologies influence Muslim women’s rights in both Islamic and secular countries.

Holder of the “Averroes: Mediterranean Islam – A*Midex/Iméra Chair”, Nouzha Guessous dedicated her residency to studying the effects of biotechnological advancements on gender relations and women’s status in contemporary Muslim societies. Her research at Iméra laid the foundation for the themes explored in her new book, bridging theoretical bioethics with practical challenges faced by women in Islamic contexts.

Her co-author, Henk ten Have, is an esteemed medical ethicist and former Director of the Division of Ethics of Science and Technology at UNESCO. His expertise in global bioethics brings a complementary perspective to this important study of ARTs and women’s rights.

Resident page of Nouzha Guessous at Iméra