Ambra Zambernardi, holder of the Région Sud/Iméra – Germaine Tillion Chair: Tomorrow, the Mediterranean for 2024-2025, is giving two lectures at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme in January.
Copyright: Eléa Ropiot – Aix Marseille Université
January 17th, 2025, 9:30 am – 12 pm, Salle Paul-Albert Février, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence
The exploitation of living things by human societies has conditioned the survival of animal and plant species, as well as their historical development. These uses of nature, initially motivated by food or the need to harness animal power, have also served recreational and scientific purposes. The capture of wild animals has fed circuses, street performers, aquariums and biologists’ benches, sometimes leading to the collapse of the populations sought.
At a time when Western societies are becoming increasingly reluctant to consume non-vegetable proteins, the study of the exploitation of living organisms brings us back to the study of the death of animals and the changes in practices that have accompanied it for several centuries.
Ambra Zambernardi will be giving a talk entitled: ‘A tutti li tunni circàmu pirdònu’. Mise à mort et respect du vivant chez les pêcheurs de thons.
Introduction: Daniel Faget (amU CNRS, TELEMMe)
« A tutti li tunni circàmu pirdònu ». Mise à mort et respect du vivant chez les pêcheurs de thons
Ambra Zambernardi (amU, Chaire Germaine Tillion de l’Iméra – Institut d’Études Avancées)
Bêtes de cirque et spécimens d’inventaire : une histoire du phoque moine de Méditerranée
Hugo Vermeren (amU, CNRS, TELEMMe)
Moderated by: Julien Panaget (PhD student UMR TELEMMe)
“Art et sciences au service d’une pédagogie du vivant”
January 27th, 2025, 9 am – 5 pm, Salle Georges Duby, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence
Faced with the threats to global biodiversity, research policies are now encouraging the development of interdisciplinary approaches, the only ones capable of providing complex analyses of the many challenges posed by global change. For over a decade, the TELEMMe laboratory has been supporting dialogue between the humanities, social sciences and life sciences on a wide range of issues (marine biodiversity, pollution, representations of living organisms, sustainable fisheries). Within this framework, the use of the aesthetic dimension of nature has two main objectives. Firstly, it raises public awareness of the beauty and fragility of marine and continental ecosystems, and of the ways in which they can be protected. It also makes it possible to gain a better understanding of the representations of living things, which today give rise to a combination of awe, indifference and sacredness in our perceptions.
Ambra Zambernardi will be speaking at this Rectorat event on the theme: «Calar tonnara. La pêche aux thons entre arts et sciences ».
9:30 – Welcome and opening
Isabelle Renaudet, UMR TELEMMe director (amU, CNRS), professor of contemporary history.
10h – Introduction Daniel Faget, HDR lecturer in modern history, (amU, CNRS, TELEMMe), Thomas Changeux ecologist (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Institut méditerranéen d’océanologie (MIO), amU)
10h30-10h45- Louise Merquiol (PhD in marine biology, postdoc for the BIODIVAQUART programme, UMR TELEMMe) et Thomas Changeux
« Le monde aquatique décrypté par l’art »
11h00-11h45-Sophie Gambardella, (jurist, CNRS-DICE-FDSP-amU Researcher )
« La bande-dessinée comme outil de l’Ocean literacy »
12h00-14h00 – Lunch break
14h00-14h45– Ambra Zambernardi (PhD in Maritime Anthropology, Germaine Tillion chairholder at Iméra – Institute for Advanced Study, amU 2024-2025)
« Calar tonnara. La pêche aux thons entre arts et sciences ».
15h00-15h45- Anne-Sophie Tribot (biologist, holder of the Junior Professorship Aix Marseille Université – Institut OCEAN “Transitions environnementales et sociétales, innovation.s, résilience”, Ophélie Cordier (visual artist), Anaïs Boileau (artist photographer)
« De la plage à l’atelier : Redécouvrir l’Océan à travers ses déchets et débris »
16h00-16h15-Presentation of the film Dauphins, regards d’humains, winner of the 2024 Environment Prize at the Galathea International Marine Festival. Viewing of short extracts.
16h15-17h00- General discussion and end of the meeting.