How to live ? And how do we live, here, elsewhere? These questions will serve as a common thread throughout this cycle of research which proposes to question, from several points of view, the lifestyles in the Mediterranean.
It is on the scale of the Mediterranean that we propose a field of comparative analysis which makes it possible, starting from a “world”, or rather from an “between-worlds”, to open up new avenues of research. .
While our ways of life, our rhythms of life, our lifestyles are called upon to change, this cycle proposes to shed new light in an attempt to better understand the world as it is, and the Mediterranean world, especially.

Styles of Life in the Mediterranean – 1st edition 2018-19
This first edition is proposed by Marielle Macé (French literary historian and essayist, Director of Studies at EHESS) and Thierry Fabre (Director of the Mediterranean program at Iméra, essayist and political scientist, founder of the Rencontres d’Averroès) .
Conference #1 – January 18 2018
Questions of styles
With Marielle Macé (director of studies at EHESS) and Thierry Fabre (director of the program
Mediterranean of Iméra)
The video is in French.
Conference #2 – 15 February 2018
A style of lifes, “Muslim” styles of life
With Nilüfer Göle (sociologist, director of studies at EHESS), with Marielle Macé (director of studies at EHESS) and Thierry Fabre (director of the Mediterranean program at Iméra)
The video is in French.
Conference #3 – 6 April 2018
Tracking as a form of attention: from the field to the history of art
With Baptiste Morizot (philosopher, Aix-Marseille University) and Estelle Zhong Mengual (art historian, Aix-Marseille University).
The video is in French.
Conference #4 – 5 April 2018
Lifestyles, ways of eating and issues of obesity in the Mediterranean
With Valeria Siniscalchi (anthropologist, lecturer at EHESS), Pierre Giannetti (master chef) and Henri de Pazzis (founder of ProNatura, specialist in organic farming, writer).
The video is in French.
Conference #5 – 18 May 2018
“The company of ghosts”, lifestyles and colonial memories
With Kader Attia (artist, visual artist, Prix Marcel Duchamp 2016) and Fethi Benslama (psychoanalyst, professor at Paris VII).
The video is in French.
Conference #6 – 14 June 2018
“Made in Italy” & “Felicità italiane”
With Enrico Donaggio (University of Turin, resident of Iméra) & Kevin Petroni (University of Paris IV).
The video is in French.
Styles of Life in the Mediterranean – 2nd edition 2019-20
This second edition is proposed by Dionigi Albera, CNRS research director (IDEMEC, AMU/CNRS); Thierry Fabre, director of the Mediterranean program at Iméra; Mohamed Tozy, Professor at the Institute of Political Studies of Aix-En-Provence.
Conference #1 – 18 January 2019
Styles of life and urban issues
With Thierry Paquot, philosopher and urban planner, author in particular of A philosopher in town, Infolio, 2011, Réed augmented, 2016; Urban disasters. Cities are also dying, La Découverte, 2015, and Olivier Mongin, philosopher, former editor of the magazine Esprit, and editor of Tous urbains. He is notably the author of La condition urbaine, Seuil, 2005; The City of Flows: The Reverse Side of Urban Globalization, Fayard, 2013.
The video is in French.
Conference #2 – 22 February 2019
Styles of life and Climate Change
With Dominique Bourg, philosopher, professor at the University of Lausanne.
The video is in French.
Conference #3 – 22 March 2019
Styles of life and religious affiliations
With the participation of Dionigi Albera, ethnologist, research director at CNRS and Alexandre Toumarkine, professor at INALCO.
The video is in French.
Styles of Life in the Mediterranean – 3rd edition 2020-21
Conference #1 – 16 January 2020
Mediterranean, fragile worlds
With Joël Guiot, geologist, and Wolfgang Kramer, ecologist. They are both co-animators of the international network on “risks linked to climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean region” (MedEC).
“The Mediterranean basin is warming faster than the whole planet”. What future prospects? What impact on our lifestyles?
The video is in French.
Conference #2 – 12 February 2021
Lingua franca, what next?
With Jocelyne Dakhlia, historian, research director at EHESS, is the author of Lingua franca. History of a mixed language in the Mediterranean, Actes Sud, 2008 and Noureddine Affaya, philosopher, professor at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Mohammed V University in Rabat. He is the author of “Towards a visual lingua franca in the Mediterranean”, in La Fabrique de Méditerranée, Arnaud Bizalion editor, 2020, p. 133-140.
The question of the lingua franca, in the Mediterranean, in the long time of history, is at the center of Jocelyne Dakhlia’s reflection. Language of contact, exchange, intercession, has this lingua franca of yesterday metamorphosed today into a visual lingua franca? This is the hypothesis of Noureddine Affaya who will be in dialogue with Jocelyne Dakhlia.
The video is in French.
Conference #3 – 19 March 2021
Sharing and translating Arabic literature?
Iman Mersal is a poet and writer, holder of the Camus chair at Iméra in 2021. She is notably the author of the poetic anthology Des choses m’avenir, Sindbad/Actes Sud, 2008; and the novel, also translated by Richard Jacquemond, Sur les traces d’Anayat Zayyat, for which she received the Sheikh Zayed Book Award in the Literature category; and Richard Jacquemond is professor of Arabic literature at Aix-Marseille University and director of Iremam.
Through the meeting of a poet and her translator, it is a question of exploring the sharing of languages, between Arabic and French, and the sharing of the universal, from the experience of translation. literary. Or how to explore the unknown paths of the Arabic language, through translation?
The video is in French.
Conference #4 – 30 April 2021
Share or/and oppose memories? Thoughts on the Armenian Genocide/The “Great Catastrophe”
With Cengiz Aktar is a Turkish political scientist, now living in Greece. He is one of the founders of the Hrant Dink Foundation, in Istanbul and behind the call for recognition of “The Great Catastrophe”. He is the author of The Call for Pardon, Turks speak to Armenians, CNRS edition, 2010; and Turkish Malay, Empreinte Edition, 2020; and Gérard Malkassian is professor of philosophy in khâgne, he animates the Conferences of the Salon of Armenian Literature in Paris.
The question of the Armenian genocide, of the recognition of the “Great Catastrophe”, a veritable phantom that still haunts contemporary Turkish society, is one of the deepest and most vivid memory knots in the Mediterranean. How to explore the paths of a possible recognition, at a time when the political and military conflicts between Turkey and Armenia are reactivated? A dialogue between Cengiz Aktar and Gérald Malkassian.
The video is in French.