Conference #3 – June 20, 2019

“Work and digital platforms: between exploitation and opportunities”, with Massimiliano Nicoli, Université de Paris-Nanterre; Luca Paltrinieri, Université de Rennes 1; Muriel Prevot-Carpentier, INRS Nancy.

The advent of digital work platforms has led to a series of paradoxical transformations that affect both work and business: the legal subordination of the wage contract leaves more and more room for new forms of economic and psychological dependence, while the traditional form of enterprise tends to explode in the various figures of self-employment, or to merge with the market in the form of the platform company. This situation of intensification of the (self)exploitation of the productive individual constitutes the field of experimentation of new forms of cooperation which are rooted in the long history of the political intelligence of work.

Video is in french

“Work and freedom today” #3 with Danièle Linhart: The subordination of employees: the eternal managerial obsession