Rendez-Vous #1 Tuesday, October 17, 2017

With Jean-Pierre Luminet, astrophysicist (CNRS, Laboratoire d’astrophysique de Marseille) and writer; Levent Yilmaz, professor of history of ideas ( Koç University, former resident of the IEA of Paris)

Where does the time come from? From an initial, primordial big bang? What does the history of the sky and its planets, its discoverers and its «builders», as the astrophysicist Jean Pierre Luminet calls them? The time of space and stars… What do the sciences of today tell us,
and singularly contemporary cosmology, to invent tomorrow? The time of humans, too, who willingly punctuate and divide time, at least in European history, between «Ancient and Modern», as the historian of ideas and culture tells us, Levent Yilmaz, through great authors such as Machiavelli and Vico, who still have so much of our own
to think today and question tomorrow.

Video is in French.

The Rendez-Vous of Tomorrow: “Order and Disorder of Time”