Rendez-Vous #2 Tuesday, November 14, 2017

With Nicolas Lévy, professor of medicine and geneticist (AMU), and Michel
Broken, astrophysicist (CEA) and writer

With the discovery of DNA and the sequencing of the genome, genetics has made huge advances and discoveries are multiplying today to prepare for tomorrow.
Thus rare diseases, as the doctor-geneticist Nicolas Lévy seeks to understand them, through the GIPTIS project, which ranges from basic to applied research.
What can genetic research contribute to human development? New care and the possibility, for example, of curing rare diseases? Are there limits in genetic treatment? What are the risks to humans?
What questions do our societies ask, «Augmented Man and Genome Modification», as Michel Cassé asks himself in his new book?

Video is in French.

The Rendez-Vous of tomorrow: “Of the genome and the human”