Conference #3 – January 17, 2019

The universality of the democratic norm and Islam.
The democratic norm faced with historico-culturalist relativism.

How to get the democratic norm out of the relativism in which the partisans of cultural particularisms or those who configure identity according to a selective and exclusive collective memory want to lock it up?
How to demonstrate, other than by petitions of principle, that the democratic norm does not belong to any culture, that it is constitutive of the Human?
How to prove the moral superiority of democratic humanism which considers man and his freedom as the ultimate ends of the political city, without regard to even more ultimate ends?
The only philosophical principle capable of serving as a universal foundation for the democratic norm is the principle of non-suffering. It will have to be explained and justified.

Video is in french

Conferences cycle: Islam and the Challenge of Modern Times #3