Conference #1 – September 27, 2018

Averroes and others. Introduction to Islam of freedom of styles

In all the religions of the world, Islam has the privilege of virtually monopolizing political debates and world opinion. Unfortunately, it is judged through ideological prisms, shortcuts or hasty judgments which result in understanding it as the expression of intellectual fixism, intolerance and violence, so many characteristics that would be inscribed in its very essence, as a religion.
Averroes represents the leader of a long line of critical thinkers who have successfully challenged this essentialist assumption about Islam. Beyond the philosophical debate, the real issue revolves around the status of the “sacred” law and its interpretation. Averroes is one of the first to have desacralized the law, thus opening the door to the freedom of the interpreter and the believer. This door will never close.

Video is in french

Conferences cycle: Islam and the Challenge of Modern Times #1