Iméra, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Aix Marseille University, has four interdisciplinary research programs. The resident researchers are encouraged to collaborate beyond the traditional barriers of disciplines, exploring new perspectives to address the complex problems of our changing world. The institute promotes innovation and exploration in exact sciences, humanities, and arts research, seeking to break down the boundaries of respective research fields and create new paths for collaboration.

Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge
This programme aims to leverage the potential of artistic research for its other three programs. Thus, formerly known as “Arts, Sciences, and Societies,” the program “Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge” becomes a cross-cutting program in that it breaks down the barriers between research in art and research on art, fostering greater dialogue with other resident researchers at Iméra.

Interdisciplinary Explorations
This programme supports interdisciplinary research that explores new paths of collaboration between different disciplines. The selected projects can be based on emerging research fields or innovative approaches to solving complex problems.
This programme’s main objective is to create a space for reflection and creation to host internationally renowned residents seeking to deepen the field of “Mediterranean Studies.”
Necessary Utopias
The “Necessary Utopias” programme contributes to finding viable and livable solutions to current crises, taking into account both theoretical dimensions and their practical implications. The selected projects can explore utopias in different contexts, from literary utopia to political utopia, including technological utopia.