Presentation of the LEST/Iméra Chair: The Worlds of Labour
This chair is open to the social sciences of labout: sociology, economics, political science, management sciences, law, history, geography, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, etc. Its ambition is to promote research of excellence relating to the challenges concerning the worlds of labour with which societies are confronted: contemporary developments in the relationship of individuals and society to labour, the link between labour and subjectivities, innovations and experiments linked to the meaning labour and its organization, digital and labour, migration and labour, risk management in labour organizations, professional integration of young and old, etc.
About the Chair’s Partner
The LEST (Laboratory of Labour Economics and Sociology – UMR7317) is a laboratory promoting excellent research on the dynamics of labour, employment, professionalization and the organizations that support them. The LEST is a research unit whose scientific grammar is based on the interdisciplinary fertilization of the social sciences of labour, international comparison, methodological pluralism and the diversity of theoretical approaches. Founded within the CNRS in 1969 and supported since 2000 by the dual supervision of the CNRS and Aix-Marseille University, the LEST has more than a hundred members in its ranks, including CNRS researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and research technicians, doctoral students and contractual researchers. Bi-disciplinary when it was created, the unit brings together researchers from 7 scientific disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (sociology, economics, management sciences, law, political science, language sciences, geography-planning) gathered around the analysis of work and its worlds as an indicator of contemporary social dynamics.