Application and Residency Conditions 2024-25

As part of the Interdisciplinary Explorations program, Iméra offers a chair in collaboration with the Institute for Research and Development (IRD).

In the context of the Iméra/IRD Chair on interdisciplinarity, special attention will be given to the interdisciplinary aspect of the candidates’ projects.

Priority will be given to

  • Researchers who have produced innovative and original results in their field while also reflecting on their own discipline and how interdisciplinary dialogue can enrich it, guiding both the formulation of research themes and questions and the social impact and policy implications.
  • Preference will be given to researchers who are actively involved in or intend to develop interdisciplinary collaborations in practice and in a broad sense, integrating physical sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences.
  • Preference will also be given to researchers who have critically explored the concept of sustainability and have developed theoretical or practical analyses regarding its foundations and/or implementation.


Application deadline: October 16, 2023, 1:00 PM (French time)

Residency duration: 10 months (preferred)

Residency period: from September 2, 2024, to July 4, 2025 (10 months – full year)

Eligibility criteria

Applications can cover all research fields developed by the IRD or its partners in the Global South. They should preferably be based on collaboration with one or more research units of the IRD on the Aix-Marseille site or at the national level.

Candidates who meet the following four conditions are eligible:

  • Have not resided in France for more than 12 months in the three years preceding the call for applications.
  • Hold a doctorate or Ph.D. degree.
  • Have an employment contract (permanent or non-permanent) in a foreign university or research institution during the residency.
  • Have demonstrated scientific excellence in one of the research fields related to sustainable development.

Remuneration and accommodation

The holder of the Chair receives a monthly allowance of 3000 euros.

They also benefit from coverage of travel expenses and free accommodation on the premises of Iméra.

Selection Criteria

The evaluation criteria for the applications, although not exhaustive, include:

  • The scientific excellence of the researcher, according to the highest international standards in the field.
  • The scientific excellence of the project, with a particular emphasis on its interdisciplinary dimension, which is crucial for the researcher’s integration into the collective creation dynamics at Iméra.
  • The ability to foster scientific collaboration between the IRD and Iméra within the framework of the Interdisciplinarity Chair activities.
  • The scientific excellence and originality of the proposed series of public lectures.


The online submission package consists of the following documents:

  • The completed application form.
  • A curriculum vitae including a list of publications.
  • A research project presentation (max 5 pages) followed by a selective bibliography.
  • Upload at least one letter of support from a researcher or professor at Aix-Marseille University.

About the Chair’s partner

The Research Institute for Development (IRD) is a French research organization, original and unique in the landscape of research for development. Privileging interdisciplinarity, the IRD organizes its research around an equitable scientific partnership with developing countries, through its international network, by bringing a logic of co-production of solutions to the global challenges of development with the scientific communities. partners. The IRD thus positions its research for development as major tools of the new international development agenda.