Presentation of the conference cycle “Meetings for Tomorrow” of Iméra, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Aix-Marseille University

The Meetings for Tomorrow are public meetings at the initiative of Iméra, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) of Aix-Marseille University in partnership with the Théâtre du Gymnase. Each year, Iméra welcomes more than twenty international researchers and artists, from all disciplines. Its objective is to develop innovative interdisciplinary approaches in all fields of knowledge. The Meetings for Tomorrow propose to make better known the work of the residents of the Iméra, like other French Institutes for advanced study, and to promote the intellectual and scientific production which is accomplished on the territory of Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and the South region.

The Meetings for Tomorrow, or how to try to give another face to the future.

The Meetings for Tomorrow, or how to better circulate knowledge in the public space.

The Meetings for Tomorrow, or how to discover the major issues of our time, based on scientific knowledge finally made accessible

With the support of the RFIEA+ labex (French Network of Institutes for Advanced Study). Foundation for scientific cooperation created in 2007 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and laboratory of excellence since 2012.
The RFIEA contributes to strengthening the attractiveness of French research in the humanities and social sciences by supporting the development of institutes for advanced studies in France, such as Iméra in Marseille, a member of the network.
With the support of the A*MIDEX foundation, which carries the excellence initiative of the University of Aix-Marseille and which is part of the INVESTISSEMENTS D’AVENIR PROGRAM.
With the participation of the Maupetit/Actes-Sud bookstore. A bookseller’s table will be available at each meeting

“The Meetings for Tomorrow: How can science shed light on the future?” 1st edition 2017-2018

Discover all the conferences (videos are in French language)

Meeting #1 October 17, 2017

Order and disorder of time

With Jean-Pierre Luminet, astrophysicist (CNRS, Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory) and writer; Levent Yilmaz, professor of the history of ideas (Koç University, former resident of the Paris IAS)

Where does time come from? From an initial, primordial big bang? What does the history of the sky and its planets, its discoverers and its “builders”, as the astrophysicist Jean Pierre Luminet calls them, tell us? The weather of space and the stars… What do today’s sciences tell us,
and particularly contemporary cosmology, to invent tomorrow? The time of humans, too, who willingly punctuate and divide time, at least in European history, between “Ancients and Moderns”, as the historian of ideas and culture, Levent Yilmaz, tells us through great authors such as Machiavelli and Vico, who still have so much say to think today and question tomorrow.

Video is in French.

Meeting #2 November 14, 2017

Of the genome and the human

With Nicolas Lévy, professor of medicine and geneticist (AMU), and Michel Cassé, astrophysicist (CEA) and writer

With the discovery of DNA and genome sequencing, genetics has made immense progress and discoveries are multiplying today to prepare for tomorrow.
Thus rare diseases, as the physician-geneticist Nicolas Lévy seeks to understand them, through the GIPTIS project, which ranges from basic research to applied research.
What can genetic research contribute to the future of humans? New treatments and the possibility, for example, of curing rare diseases? Are there limits in genetic processing? What are the risks for humans?
What questions are posed to our societies, “Augmented humans and genome modification”, as Michel Cassé asks in his new book?

Video is in French.

Meeting #3 December 12, 2017

What health for tomorrow?

With Carla Makhlouf, epidemiologist and health anthropologist (American University of Beirut, resident of Imera) and Dominique Maraninchi, professor of medicine, oncologist (AMU, President of Imera)

Faithful to the Hippocratic oath, it is above all for the doctor to treat. But health systems have become complex and pharmaceutical industries increasingly powerful…
What is the place of the patient and the human in such systems? Can we imagine new forms of care, for example outside institutions and hospitals?
A health democracy, which restores all its place to the exchange and the expectations of the patient and the various actors concerned, as experimented for example today by Dominique Maraninchi at the Paoli-Calmettes Institute, can it develop in the ‘coming ?
What about the future of health systems in the countries of the South, and particularly in the Arab countries of the Mediterranean?
Carla Makhlouf, from the double perspective of anthropologist and epidemiologist, opens up new perspectives to better understand the major health challenges for today and tomorrow.

Video is in French.

Meeting #4 Februrary 13, 2018

What energies for tomorrow, in the Mediterranean?

With the participation of Raouf Boucekkine, economist, director of Imera, coordinator of a research program on energies in the Mediterranean; Alain Gachet, physicist and mining engineer, founder of Watex (Water Exploitation) and author of The man who makes water spring from the desert, JC Lattès, 2015.

While fossil fuels are now being called into question, in particular due to global warming, how can we envisage the future of oil and gas?
How can the energy market evolve, for supplies from the North as well as for resources from the South? What energy transitions can you imagine?
Water is undoubtedly the first energy, it appears as a vital resource, considered as a rare resource, in the Mediterranean as in Africa.
Can new types of prospecting, in particular through satellite mapping, make it possible to get out of the shortage? Can water become a source of peace?

Video is in French.

Meeting #5 March 13, 2018

What styles of life, tomorrow in the Mediterranean?

With the participation of Thierry Fabre, essayist and researcher, founder of the Averroès meetings and director of the Mediterranean program at Iméra, recently published “Mediterranean, thinking about the aftermath of the disaster”, Revue Gibraltar, N°6 & Pauline Marchetti , architect associated with Sensual city studio, co-directed Belle Méditerranée. The sensitive metropolis.

How to live ? This simple question raises immense debates about our ways of life, our forms of life, our rhythms of life.
How to live ? And much more like before, at a time of climate change and the destruction of our relationship with Nature, for which we are the main responsible. The Mediterranean world is a particularly sensitive and fragile world which is in the process of forging its own path.
Can we live in the world differently? This is the whole issue of what is being prepared today for tomorrow in the Mediterranean. New approaches are needed to tame and develop our “sensitive metropolises” and imagine a different lifestyle for the 21st century.
Meeting with: Thierry Fabre, essayist and researcher, founder of the Averroès meetings and director of the Mediterranean program at Iméra, recently published “Mediterranean, thinking about the aftermath of the disaster”, Gibraltar Review, N°6; Pauline Marchetti, architect associated with Sensual city studio, co-directed “Belle Méditerranée. The sensitive metropolis”.

Video is in French.

Meeting #6 April 24,2018

What are the major political and international challenges for tomorrow in the Mediterranean?

Meeting with: Jean-Pierre Filiu, university professor in contemporary Middle Eastern history at Sciences Po (Paris), recently published Generals, Gangsters and Jihadists. History of the Arab counter-revolution. Discovery, 2018; Rostane Mehdi, professor of public law and director of Sciences Po (Aix)

The Mediterranean world is in turmoil, even in chaos, seven years after the Arab revolutions. What exactly happened? Can we write a history of the counter-revolution? Is there an after of terrorism and jihadism?
What is at stake today, for tomorrow, between Europe and the Mediterranean? Can new devices that promote peace, freedoms and democratic hope emerge? Under what conditions? Is the Mediterranean Sea condemned to remain the most dangerous border in the world and to turn into a new marine cemetery?
What place for law and institutions in the major political and international challenges to come? Can new regulations be created? On what basis?

Video is in French.

“The Meetings for Tomorrow: How can science shed light on the future?” 2nd edition 2018-2019

Discover all the conferences (videos are in French language)

Meeting #1 November 30, 2018

The Factory of Terrorism, from Yesterday to Tomorrow. unedited violence?

With the participation of Heinz-Gerhardt Haupt, historian, resident of Iméra, specialist in the comparative history of terrorism in the 19th century (Germany, Spain, France, Italy) and Roland Gori, psychoanalyst, professor emeritus of psychology and psychopathology at Aix-Marseille University. Last work published “A world without spirit. The factory of terrorism”. The Links that Liberate, 2017.

Can we understand terrorism?
Is this a new form of political violence in history?
What do terrorism tell us or reveal to us about the fragility of our societies and of ourselves?

Video is in French.

Meeting #2 November 13, 2018

Islam and freedom. Another perspective?

With the participation of Yadh Ben Achour, jurist and legal philosopher, 1st holder of the Averroès Chair at Iméra. He is notably the author of “The 2nd Fatiha” PUF, 2011 and of “Tunisia, a revolution in the land of Islam”, Ceres Edition, 2016 and with Leïla Tauil, philosopher, lecturer in the Arabic department of the University of Geneva, specialist in critical thought in contemporary Islam, resident of Iméra, within the framework of the Averroès Chair.

Is an Islam of freedom possible, thinkable?
What possible rereadings of the texts to promote the expression of critical thought in contemporary Islam?
Can we get out of obscurantisms and orthodoxies?

Video is in French.

Meeting #3 December 18, 2018

Sport, health and performance. Learning to heal?

With the participation of Pr. Pierre Dantin, University Professor, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Marseille, Co-Director of the “Management, Sport, Health” Laboratory of Aix-Marseille University. He is responsible for the “Rebond” program carried out in collaboration with the Paoli Calmettes Institute, with Claude Onesta, coach for many years of the French Handball team, he has, with this team, brought back the titles of Olympic Champion, World Champion and European Champion. He now leads the preparation of the French Olympic Team 2024. He is fully involved in the “Rebond” project around Sport and Health since its origin and Pr. Didier Blaise, Head of the Onco-Hematology Department of the Paoli-Calmettes Institute, at the initiative of the Rebond project.

What can sport bring us in its relationship to health?
Can it contribute to healing, especially for cancer patients, as the “Rebond” project is experimenting with today?
Can sports performance be a source of inspiration and fertilization for our companies?

Video is in French.

Meeting #4 March 5, 2019

The words/illness of the brain

With the participation of Xavier Alario, research director at the Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology, Aix-Marseille University and CNRS. He notably directed All the questions you ask yourself about your brain, Odile Jacob, 2011 and with Anne-Lise Giraud, professor at the University of Geneva, holder in 2019 of the Language and Brain chair at Iméra, joined with the ILCB. She has notably published The brain and the evils of speech, Odile Jacob, 2018

Moderated by Nancy Cattan, scientific journalist.

Video is in French.