On May 12, 2023, Joanna Saad-Sulonnen, holder of the AUF/Iméra Chair 2022-23, is organizing a multidisciplinary workshop on participation in design: Perspectives from Scandinavian participatory design and francophone approaches to ergonomics

Closed door event, at the CUBE, 29 Avenue R. Schuman – Aix en Provence.

poster of the muldisciplinary workshop on participation in design at the institute for advanced study of aix-marseille university

Perspectives from Scandinavian participatory design and francophone approaches to ergonomics

The aim of the workshop is to establish a theoretical dialogue between the Scandinavian tradition of PD and that of ergonomics focusing on creativity in France. The similarities and the connections between these traditions have not been fully fleshed out in literature. The workshop will help start a rapprochement between these two traditions, feeding theoretical explorations in understanding the role(s) of artifact(s) in creativity and participation in design, expanding to contexts beyond professional design, paid labor, and traditional workplaces. The workshop participants will map together the historical trajectories of the traditions they belong to, as well as key concepts and terminologies used in these traditions that refer to creativity, participation, collectives, and artifacts. The outcome of the workshop will be in putting in motion one of the following: a special issue on the topic of participation and creativity in design (in International Journal of Design (ENG) or Sciences du design (FR)) or the collaborative writing of a joint article.


Welcome by workshop organisers (5-10 mins)

Part 1: Opening Prompts (65 mins)

Two guests will present their research:

     ❚ Prompt by Susanne Bødker: Own trajectory in Scandinavian PD, activity theory and 
        encounters with the French tradition of ergonomics: some lines of connection and
        introduction to the notions of collectives and their artifact ecologies (15 mins)

     ❚ Prompt by Nathalie Bonnardel: Understanding creativity and the creative process –
        methods in psychology and ergonomics (15 mins)
     ❚ Prompt by Eric Tortochot: [to be confirmed] the role of artifacts in teaching-learning processes and design education situations (15 mins)

     ❚ Lightning talk by Cynthia Bagousse: The role(s) of the artifacts: light of diegetic artifact
       (10 mins)

     ❚ Lightning talk by Agnès Lellouche-Gougnon: TBC
       (10 mins)


Part 2: Collaborative mapping facilitated by Joanna Saad-Sulonen (45 mins)

Map the links between the different traditions we represent:

     ❚ Discussion and reflection on what we mean by Participation

     ❚ Discussion and reflection on what we mean by creativity

     ❚ Discussion and reflection on the role(s) of the artifact(s)


Part 3: Key takeaways + outline for a special issue or joint feature facilitated by Joanna Saad-Sulonen (30-45 mins) 

     ❚ Possible orientations: Artifacts as supports or guides? How to understand participation in design beyond workshops and participatory activities staged by designers or design researchers – the role of artifacts? How do we examine creative design activities that take place in mundane contexts, by people not trained as designers? What about design by collectives: what holds the groups together + what are the roles of artifacts? How can our various related disciplines contribute to a broader understanding of design/design participation?

The workshop organizers will also invite several participants working on related topics.

The organizers

  • Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Associate professor, IT University of Copenhagen, holder of the AUF/Iméra Chair
  • Nathalie Bonnardel, Professor in Ergonomics psychology, University of Aix-Marseille, InCIAM
  • Cynthia Bagousse, PhD student in Ergonomics psychology, University of Aix-Marseille, InCIAM-PsyCLE

Practical information

Closed door event, at the CUBE, 29 Avenue R. Schuman – Aix en Provence.