On May 21, 2023, Julie Weise, holder of the Fulbright / Iméra Chair in Migration Studies (2022-23), is organizing a transatlantic meeting on the rights of migrant workers.

Strategies for Justice in the Countryside

Sunday, May 21 at the Longo Mai Association, Mas Granier, 13310 Saint-Martin-de-Crau

An interactive French/Spanish discussion, in person or virtually, between defenders of seasonal migrants in agriculture in France, Mexico, and the United States. Exchange of experiences and new strategies to improve working conditions.


11 am : Collective lunch cooking, for those who want to participate

1 pm : Latino lunch

3-6 pm : In-person/virtual meeting

About the organizer

Julie Weise is the holder of the Fulbright / Iméra Chair in Migration Studies (2022-23).

She is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Oregon. Her first book, Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U.S. South since 1910 (University of North Carolina Press, 2015), received, among other honors, the Merle Curti Award for the Best Social History Book in the United States, awarded by the Organization of American Historians. The NEH OpenBook program supported a permanent open access version of the entire book.

Her current project, “Guest Worker: A History of Ideas, 1919-75,” explores the histories of cross-border migrant workers in the Americas, Europe, and Southern Africa. Weise’s research has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe. Her public history work on the “Nuestro South” podcast and youth-focused YouTube series has been supported by the Whiting Foundation. With colleagues in history and sociolinguistics, she pioneered a bilingual university program in Latino history, which can be found as a free resource at http://historyinspanglish.org.

Practical information

This meeting will take place at the Longo Mai Association, Mas Granier, 13310 Saint-Martin-de-Crau.

With the participation of

Cierto, Estados Unidos

FLOC, Estados Unidos

Harvesting Freedom, Canadá

CODETRAS, Francia Association Longo Mai, Francia

Derechos Sin Fronteras,

FranciaFrédéric Décosse, sociólogo, Aix-Marseille-Université (Francia)

Julie M. Weise, historiadora, Iméra (Francia) y Universidad de Oregon (Estados Unidos)