On November 22, 2023, Marc Calvini-Lefebvre, former Iméra Fellow part of Aix-Marseille Professor Fellowships, and project leader of Sites and Agents of Feminist Memory: A Citizen-Science Project, is organizing two meetings.
10-12: Citizen-Science Best Practice Workshop
Marc has invited Professor Sarah Richardson (University of Glasgow) and her doctoral student Tara Morton (University of Warwick) for an in-depth discussion of their own citizen-science project, Mapping Women’s Suffrage 1911. Specifically, Marc and his team are seeking advice on two fronts: how best to generate the public’s participation in information-gathering for the project, and how to co-develop, with interested members of the public, “spin-off” projects such as those so successfully created by Richardson and Morton (e.g. a documentary on a suffrage campaigner with a local historian and an 11 year old girl; a song with a rock band; “Suffrage Walks” in specific locations; a campaign to encourage people to register to vote).
15h-17h: International Advisory Board Meeting
This will be the first meeting of the International Advisory Board of Marc’s project, composed of Sarah Richardson, Ann Rigney (University of Utrecht), Sharon Crozier-de Rosa (University of Wollongong) and Sierra Rooney (University of Wisconsin – La Crosse). Marc will present to the board the progress made since October (when his project was officially launched) on “work package 1” of the project, which is tasked with developing a smartphone application intended to increase the project’s reach and improve user’s experience of the online map that is its beating heart. A number of questions have emerged in the first two months of work, on which the advice and guidance of the IAB will be sought.
Closed door event, on invitation basis only.
A graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence, the London School of Economics and Political Science and Goldsmiths College, University of London, Marc Calvini-Lefebvre was recruited in 2011 to the position of Lecturer in 19th century British history in AMU’s Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone (UR 853). Aside from British studies, he teaches classes in feminist and gender studies. Since his recruitment, he has sought to contribute to the institutionalisation of gender studies in French academia at both the local (GenderMed) and national (Gender Institute, Paris) levels. His abiding research interests are in feminist ideas, the history of feminism and the mechanisms of (or obstacles to) their transmission to the wider public. His research projects to date have focused on:
- the ideological challenge posed by the Great War to feminist thinking about the relationship between citizenship, gender, war and peace in turn-of-the-century Britain.
- the epistemological challenge that making sense of women’s resistance to feminism poses for the social sciences.
- the memorialisation of the Women’s Suffrage Movement in sites of memory, both literal and non-literal.
The final two projects have been carried out in collaboration with his colleagues in the Women & the F-Word research team and have benefitted from funding awarded by the Aix-Marseille Initiative d’Excellence (A*Midex) (“Pépinière d’Excellence” initiative, 2017). All of Marc Calvini-Lefebvre publications can be found on the HAL-SHS open archive by clicking here.